Is the "time well spent" concept by Tristan Harris gaining traction in the technology industry? Is this the inevitable direction for many large tech companies to take? e.g. in pursuit of the "triple bottom line" principle, People, Planet, Profit?
There are several levels to the 'time well spent' vision, and we started it in order to address all these levels simultaneously. One level is users -- we aim to give people the knowledge and tools to better protect their attention & align tech. use with their goals. Another level is designers -- how can we help them, given the organizational constraints they work in day-to-day, make products that are more respectful of users' time and attention, and help their lives go well? A third level is company leaders -- how can they set the right incentives in their company, choose a business model that's aligned with users' authentic needs/goals, etc
The next level is the environment in which companies operate -- so things like regulation/policy, user demand (e.g. the 'organic label' for time-well-spent technologies), and other environmental factors that can nudge companies toward more ethical products. And then a final level is the conceptual -- i.e. the language, metaphors, philosophies, ethical frameworks, etc. that we use to talk about our attention and our deeper human needs in the first place.
It's certainly not inevitable that industry will move toward the Time Well Spent vision, but we're heartened by a) initial signs about the ways some companies are using our ideas/principles/etc., as well as b) the history of other industries that reformed in response to ethical demand (e.g. pollution & the environmental movement). We've been very pleased by the way the campaign has been resonating with people so far, and we're really excited about what the next few years hold vis-a-vis a more intentional societal discussion about these issues of digital tech. design.